Lunar and Martian Features.

The files required to make these 3D prints are available at no charge on a NASA website.

The website has files for printing Lunar and Martian features, Apollo landing sites, rockets and

inter-planetary probes as well as some minor planets.

Detailed description of the features printed can be found in links below.

The left hand panes in the table below shows an image of the print I made.

The right hand panes show a video showing (very roughly!) how the shadows

of the feature change from Lunar or Martian dawn towards noon as it rotates to face the Sun.


Some Lunar Features


Large crater just south

of Mare Imbrium.

Details of this crater.


Click on the play arrow to

play the video in You Tube.


CLOSE the YouTube window

to return to this page.



Complex crater just north

of Mare Humorum.

Details of this crater.

Click on the play arrow to

play the video in You Tube.


CLOSE the YouTube window

to return to this page.


The Aristarchus Plateau

and Schroter's Valley.


This is the brightest feature on the Moon,

visible in the top left quadrant.


Details of this feature.


Click on the play arrow then

CLOSE the YouTube window

to return to this page.

Apollo 15 Landing Site.

Mount Hadley is in the top right hand

corner. The Hadly Rille runs from

bottom left, to the centre then left again.


Details of this area.


Click on the play arrow then

CLOSE the YouTube window

to return to this page.



Some Martian Features

The Volcanoes of the Tharsis Plateau.

The volcano lower right is the highest

in the Solar System.

Details of this area.


Click on the play arrow then

CLOSE the YouTube window

to return to this page.



Valles Marineris

This huge canyon was probably formed following a volcanic eruption on the Tharsis Plateau (above) in the time when Mars still had liquid water.

The cataclysmic flood gouged out a canyon which would stretch from Los Angeles to New York if it had been on Earth.

The Grand Canyon is a mere scratch on the Earth's surface in comparison.

Details of this area.

The left hand pane shows the central part

in detail. Slumps and avalanches are

visible in the canyon walls.


Click on the play arrow on the right to

see the Sun rise over the canyon then

CLOSE the YouTube window

to return to this page.



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